Autobiography - creative writing.

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GCSE English



        “Mistress teacher,” – the words would normally conjure up the image of a lady, a teacher. If my memory serves me well, the portrait of the person who took care of me and my sister in our preschool years was not what you’d call “a lady”, or a teacher. She was a woman, though, and she did teach us.

        That autumn morning my mother introduced a new character to me and my sister’s lives. The lady was in her late fifties, with blonde long hair and an evilly wrinkled face. Her smile looked mean, as if all we were was merely another bridge to her financial stability. Her name? She didn’t have any, maybe because it was too silly or degrading to her severe notoriety as “Mistress teacher”. That was what we called her, or at least what we had to call her.

        I will be forever grateful to her for teaching me how to read, write, speak and sing. Some incidents of that time, though, have gained their merit to be mentioned over the years, however horrifying they might have seemed then, they are now entertaining memories.

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        It was early in the morning and my sister and I were washing our hands in the bathroom. Our mother had taught us the routine and everything appeared to make sense: rub the soap in your hands, yes, cover the wrists too, make sure all the dirt is gone and then wash with water until the hands are not slippery. Mistress teacher thought that was not enough and decided to tell us the secrets to a beautiful face, despite the fact that neither me nor my sister were interested in that kind of thing at the time. She picked up ...

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There is some good description in this piece but there needs to be more of it to ensure the reader is interested throughout. The ending also needs to have more of a purpose and link to the beginning as it is the final thought you are leaving with the reader and therefore needs to be strong. 4 Stars