Autobiography of a Meaningful Event

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Autobiography of a Meaningful Event

Condensation tricked down the cold glass, the window which stood between the raged, untamed winter and the warm surroundings of the classroom. The branches of the leafless trees swung as the cruel force of the wind took control. They never gave up eve though they stood in a no win situation with the wind hitting them hard, with it's amazing strength. The silence broke with the sound of a ringing bell, signifying to me to walk on in this dreaded world. I turned and looked at the brave trees once more, which made me think despite their endless battle for life, their purpose was clear and simple with no question whatsoever.

I moved down the corridor only slightly aware of what was going on around me. Some insignificant person tripped beside me and clattered to the floor but I was almost oblivious to it, as though it was far off in the distance, muted by my innermost thought. I was vaguely aware of the fact that I had now left the building. A deadly, cold gust of wind almost swept me off my feet as it hurried round the corner heartlessly intent on reaching its destination despite numerous obstacles, of which I was one, blocking its way. I awoke from my conscious dreams only momentarily before slipping back into the zombie like state of mind that harboured my conscious fantasies. As I began my journey home I began to go through the possibilities of what awaited me. At the back of my mind was the glaring fact of what I was to find upon returning home but yet I still felt the need to weigh out the possibilities as though recounting them would change the odds. However, none of this stopped the truth scratching at the back of my mind eager to be let out into the open to discover all hope that was scattered throughout my depressed brain. I wandered aimlessly along the rain-rutted road intent on prolonging the journey and what awaited me at my final destination. Scorched black ravens circled above me straight out of the depths of hell that was surely waiting around the next few corners ready to drown me in its hopelessness and ultimate despair. The song of the ravens was not of normal birds that of happiness, which lifted one's spirit, but a taunt, daring me to flee my destiny and tremble away from what I unavoidably had to face.
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As if in a final attempt at convincing myself that I should not go on, the heavens opened and emptied a gushing river onto my tired, weary back. The downpour flow over me, penetrating my clothes and soaking me from head to toe with its disheartening liquid, overwhelming my every sense as I trudged on for what seemed like an age. As the ravens up above in the darkened sky flew away to pester their next prey, a chill ran down my body and for the first time in a long time I felt truly alone.

Finally, ...

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