"Back Home Contemplation" - Write about the ways in which the poems in this section are linked.

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Katie Szypryt L6C

Nichols’s Essay

Remind yourself of “Back Home Contemplation”. Write about the ways in which the poems in this section are linked.

Consider: -

-Register and tone

-Form and style

-Any other features of language you consider to be important.

The section “Back Home Contemplation” represents an important section n of the entire novel. It pulls together the idea of the black woman from Africa to the Caribbean. It embodies all the experiences, emotions and feelings by showing her memories of the childhood she experienced and sharing them with the reader.

“Back Home Contemplation” discusses the memories, which Nichols had as a child, which are shown in the form of a snapshot memory. The lexical framework, which Nichols uses, emphasises the imagery used throughout the section. She uses an ongoing image of water throughout the section in order to show her ties to her family. The water represents the way in which her family are all streams flowing from one origin but in different directions. This is shown in “Hey There Now!” which says

“my sunchild branching

from my mountain river”.

By using this technique Nichols shows to the reader how highly she thinks, not only her close family, but of the people of her origin. She uses the idea of water to represent strength, protection and a necessity for life. This shows the reader the importance of this section to Nichols and also sets the scene for them, sharing the emotions in Nichols with the reader as if they were their own. Nichols also uses this extended image of water in the other poems of this section. “Childhood” refers to her childhood being “a watershed of sunlight” and once again shows the reader how Nichols uses this impression to convey to the reader her closeness to her origin in Guyana.

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Another image, which Nichols uses throughout the section, is that there is always something lurking beneath the surface. “Price We Pay for the Sun” shows this by stating that even though most people see the island as “picture postcards” but really they cause cancer and Nichols says that “Poverty is the price we pay for the sun”. This shows the sinister issue, which Nichols sees now as an adult, which she may not have seen as a child. This is once again shown in “Childhood” by the way in which Nichols shows how at the time she saw the ...

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