Back in the Playground Blues

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Back in the Playground Blues

The poem "Back in the Playground Blues" written by Adrian Mitchell is about a boy remembering about the time that he was at the playground. The poem is written in first person, and the "I" of the poem is completely scared of the playground. He remembered the time which he was there and of how much he suffered. He felt as if he was trapped in the big playground compared to his size, left unprotected by their parents from the "rulers of the Killing ground", and hoping that he wouldn't be the one chosen by them to make fun of. The "I" also criticizes that the "rulers of the Killing ground" always found a reason to pick on someone, be it because of physical appearance, religion or beliefs. He also mentions that someone from the playground, probably the principal says "It prepares them for Life", and that in his opinion this had already been the worst place in his life.

I imagine that the incident takes place in a poor community, because the children do not look as if they were mimed and a rich parent probably wouldn't trust the principal when she said that it prepares them for life. He also comments on the walls of the playground and says that it was broken and dusty, as if no one was taking care of the playground. The fact that he gives the impression that all the kids hated the "Killing Ground" also suggests that it takes place on a poor community because if it was on a rich one the kids would probably complain to their parents and their parents would get in contact with the principal or staff responsible.
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Language and structure add a great deal to the understanding of the poem. On the first section he repeats the first two lines, probably to call the readers attention to it. He also soon after saying how small the boy was says how large and wide the playground was, maybe suggesting that the boy felt impotent regarding the enormous playground around him. On the second section the poet also repeats the first two lines, also to emphasize it but maybe also to show a sense of how these facts were appearing back in the boys mind and as ...

This is a preview of the whole essay