Battle of the sexes.

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There are many numerous situations in institutions and industries were, for example, firms may want to set up some common standards or take some measures but disagree over how to go about it. This type of situation is characterized by a common objective but divergent views or ways of how to attain that objective. Battle of the sexes is one of the coordination games, which explain such situations by drawing a parallel between such situations with the predicament faced by a man and woman going on a date but prefer two different places. As mentioned before, it comes under the category of cooperation games, which have got many practical applications in our day-to-day life. In the language of Game Theory, a cooperative game is a game in which the players can make binding commitments. These games allow the players to share the benefits from cooperation by making transfers among themselves, which would leave them better off. Because of the existence of interpersonal framework; players come together and through cooperation achieve the most favorable outcome for all the players. Games, which replicate such situations, are called negotiated games because the outcome is reached through negotiations and deliberations. And the outcome, which is the result of such negotiation, is called negotiated settlement. This game is the classic example of how cooperation can be achieved even when people are selfish. It shows how commonality of the objective can resolve conflict.

Battle of the sexes illustrates the conflict between a man who wants to go to a prizefight and a women who wants to go to a ballet. Though selfish, they are deeply in love and would, if need arises, sacrifice their preferences in order to be with each other. Here cooperation, not rivalry, works. This game has two Nash Equilibria, one of which is a strategy combination. Given that the man chooses prizefight, even the women chooses the same. If the woman chooses the ballet so does the man. Hence (Prize Fight, Prize Fight) and (Ballet, Ballet) are the two Nash Equilibria.

Now lets us go into the technicalities of the game, which would aid us in understanding it better.

The payoffs related to different choices are:

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Where P1 and B1 are the probabilities of the woman (Alice) attending the prize fight and the ballet respectively. Similarly, P2 and B2 are the probabilities of the man (Bob) attending the Prize fight and the ballet respectively.

  • Social Welfare = (P2 ,B1) (P1,B2)
  • Pareto Optimal = (P2 ,B1) (P1,B2)
  • Dominant = none.
  • Nash = (P2 ,B1) (P1,B2)

The worst possible outcome (0,0) is called the “Threat Point”. This payoff is the outcome when both man and the woman act seifishly, by going to the place of their preference. Hence, their ...

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