Beyond Pythagoras

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Beyond Pythagoras


(smallest number) 2 + (middle number) 2  =(largest number) 2 

To test this:


Smallest number + middle number + largest number = perimeter

To test this:


½ x smallest number x middle number = area

To test this:

I managed to fill in the rest of the sides without using a formula by firstly for the shortest side add on two units to the value before.  For the middle side the difference between each value is positive four units.  For the longest side I added I=one unit to the value of the middle side in the same sequence.

I have also noticed that the middle values are the triangle numbers multiplied by four.

Also the second difference between each of the perimeter values is eight units.

In the area the third difference between each of the values is twelve units.

Shortest side

I have worked out the nth term formula for the shortest side. This is how I did it:

The common difference between each term is two.  From my class work I know I can work out the nth term formula using this equation:


  • “a” is the value of the first term in the sequence.
  • “d” is the value of the common difference (in this case 2)

Applying this formula you get: “2n+(3-2)”, simplified you get: “2n + 1”

To test this formula I will apply the formula to the 1st term and 2nd term.

1st term:        2nd term:

2x1+1=3          2x2+1=5

This proves that my formula is correct.

Middle side

I have worked out the nth term formula for the middle side. This is how I did it:

This sequence has a second difference, four between each term.  From my class work I know I can work out the nth term formula using this equation:


  • “a” is the value of the first term in the sequence.
  • “d” is the value of the first difference.
  • “c” is the value of the change in difference between one difference and the next.
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Applying this formula you get: “2+(n-1)3+1/2(n-1)(n-2)1” simplified you get “n +3n”

To test this formula I will apply the formula to the 1st and 2nd terms.

1st term:        2nd term:

1 +3x1=4         2 +3x2=12

This proves that my formula is correct.

Longest side

I have worked out the nth term formula for the middle side. This is how I did it:

This sequence has a second difference, four between each term.  From my class work I know I can work out the nth term formula using this equation:


  • “a” is the ...

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