Billy Budd Essay

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Billy Budd Essay

        “Struck dead by an angel of God! Yet the angel must hang!”(p.60). This quote, famously spoken in the short story of Billy Budd by Herman Melville, presents to readers one of the most wondrous characters in all of Literature, Billy Budd. Originally written near the end of Melville’s life in 1891 and never completely finished, this short story is an intriguing tale of a young sailor’s life at sea. Billy Budd, being the protagonist, is a young 21-year-old cheery sailor who is impressed into military service in England. Called “Baby Budd” by his fellow sailors, Billy is a physically beautiful, handsome young lad whose popularity and hypnotizing good looks gets the attention of every sailor on board the Indomitable. But trouble steams up when Billy gets the attention of John Claggart, master-at-arms on the ship, whose evil intent is to destroy Billy Budd. And as readers soon find out that Claggart is a hateful man in this short story symbolized as evil, readers also discover that Billy Budd is portrayed as a naïve and ignorant character in the story who symbolizes innocence.

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        Billy Budd is displayed as a young man with a naïve and ignorant character in the novel who is unable to comprehend Claggart’s evil intentions. Previously mentioned, Billy Budd is a “Handsome Sailor” as said by the author or a sailor with extremely good looks. Due to this, Billy is naturally able to fit in, get along, and be liked by other sailors. But this causes problems when Billy soon assumes that every person on the ship admires him and ignorantly thinks that his fellow sailors all have good intentions and happy feelings toward himself. And being a young, ignorant ...

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