Both 'Lamb to the Slaughter' and 'The Speckled Band' shares the some of the characteristics of murder mysteries. Explain the similarities and differences between the two stories and say which story you preferred with clear reasons.

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Sarah Turner

Comparison of Texts / Post 1914 Literature

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Both ‘Lamb to the Slaughter’ and ‘The Speckled Band’ shares the some of the characteristics of murder mysteries. Explain the similarities and differences between the two stories and say which story you preferred with clear reasons.

Both of these stories are different in the time they are set. This is important to consider when answering the question. The ‘Lamb to the Slaughter’ was set in 1950’s England. This was a historical period in time that was very traditional which meant that family life was the most important thing in people’s lives at this time. The traditional family life in 1950’s England was that the man went out to work to earn money and the women stayed in to care for the children and house. Home life was the centre of people’s lives. This is reflected in ‘Lamb to the Slaughter’ in the setting and the characters. As readers this makes us not suspect Mary Maloney as a murderer ‘The Speckled Band’ however is set in Victorian England in 1886. At this time in London crime was high, prostitution was common, drug abuse and murder were all common things. Sherlock Holmes became popular because the people moral about the local police was low. The people of London wanted the character of Sherlock Holmes to be real and join the police as not many crimes were being solved at this time.

The two stories are murder mysteries. Lamb to the Slaughter is a about a woman who murders her husband as he has just told her he was going to leave her. ‘ The Speckled Band is a story of a man who attempts to murder his daughters to receive their inheritance.

It is clear that in both of the story openings are similar. They both open in a clam and peaceful mood. ‘ Lamb to the Slaughter’ opens with a happy, cosy atmosphere while Mrs Maloney waits for her husband to arrive back from work. The writer creates a calm atmosphere by showing how much she loves her husband. There was a slow smiling air about her, and about everything she did “. Initially Mary Maloney doesn’t seem like a cold-blooded murderer. . This atmosphere changes when Patrick Maloney arrives back from work. There is a change in his daily routine. This line “ He lifted his glasses and drained it in one swallow although there was still half of it, at least half of it, left “ indicates there was a change in his routine. This is because Patrick Maloney usually drank it slowly. It is clear that his mood alters as this line illustrates him speaking to his wife in an abrupt way “ Sit down. In contrast ‘ The Speckled Band ‘ at the beginning gives the impression of death and mourning indicated by this line “ A lady dressed in black and heavily veiled, who had been sitting in the window “. Her entrance in the story shows her worry about the death of her sister and her own security.

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In both murder mysteries the two villains differ. Mary Maloney is a normal, happy housewife. When her husband reveals to her that he is leaving her she completely changes. After she had killed her husband her character becomes unstable. The murder of her husband is not planned compared to Dr Roylottt murdering Helen Stones sister. As the murder wasn’t planned in ‘ Lamb to the Slaughter we as readers have sympathy for Mary Maloney and don’t think of her as a murderer because initially she appears to be a happy housewife who dotes on her husband. Dr Royott has previous ...

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