Boxer's death chapter 9 how does this show the pigs cruelty and ingratitude.

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Boxer’s death chapter 9 how does this show the pigs cruelty and ingratitude.

Boxer put his heart and soul into the building of the windmill.  He even used to work extra hours every day. He would wake up 1hour early to do extra work, and would still carry on doing work after working hours had finished. He was determined to work hard. This can be proven as his motto was ‘I will work harder’ and ‘Napoleon is always right’ Boxer had so much faith in comrade Napoleon. He really believed that what he was doing was leading them into having a better life. Boxer didn’t realise that he was just being used. Boxer had such a kind heart that he could never look upon anyone as being a bad person, unless he was brainwashed into it. All the animal looked up to boxer. They were all fascinated by his will for life. He was the animals ideal. Everybody really admired Boxer for his determination, as he was nearly always so optimistic. He was the inspiration for the other animals. He was the one that gave all the animal faith for a better life in the future.  Boxer worked himself so hard that it actually pushed him to his death. The pigs however didn’t care about boxer’s health. All they wanted from him was his strength to help build the windmill. The pigs knew that the windmill would never have been completed without the strength and hard work form boxer. When he collapsed the pigs knew that he was finished and his working days were over.  They didn’t really care if he got better or not, as they had other thing on their mind. They didn’t even want him to get better and enjoy his retirement. The pigs did however give boxer ‘medicine’ which was a pink bottle that they found in the medical chest in the bathroom. I’m sure that the pigs didn’t even know what the medicine was actually for. They lied to the animal and said that he would be taken to the doctors. Benjamin and Clover were the ones who actually made sure that Boxer got better. They however could only do this after working hours. It was in the middle of the day when the van came to take boxer away. On the side of the van was written ‘Alfred Simmonds, Horse Slaughterer and Glue-Boiler, Willingdon.’ Benjamin being one of the only animal who could read told the other animals who had now arrived to wave boxer off, thinking that he was only going to the doctors and would be back soon. “A cry of horror burst out from all the animals.” The animals started calling after boxer to escape from the cart as he was going to be slaughtered. The pigs never intended to let boxer retire and spend his days grazing in the field. But instead they wanted to sell him to the glue factory and turn him into glue. They wanted to earn a profit out of him. The pigs are very selfish, and greedy. The pigs have no respect for anybody expect for themselves.

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In Chapter 10 how have the pigs gained complete control?

The pigs now know that they have control because boxer is gone. Whereas before boxer was much stronger than all the animals including the dogs. So the pigs had to be careful with what they said to boxer. As if they said the wrong thing and got him angry then he could get violent and could very easily kill them. But now boxer was gone, and the pigs had made sure that they got everything they could ...

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