Brave New World - summary.

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Brave New World

BRAVE New World was published in 1932. It is a remarkable piece of science fiction for both its time and our own. It seems to withstand the intervening 65 years, primarily because of its depiction of a tightly controlled, rigidly stratified homogenous society. Issues of social control are as relevant today as in 1932, perhaps more so.

Reproductive technology plays a key role in the social control of Brave New World. Reproduction takes place in a "Hatchery". Excised ova are inspected for abnormalities, fertilised, put into incubators and then undergo the "Bokanovsky Process". Each embryo is irradiated for 8 minutes with X-rays until rather than the cells dividing normally, they "bud". Each bud has the potential of becoming a separate but identical embryo. These buds are then subjected to various chemicals such as alcohol, until they also "bud". This process is repeated many times until an average harvest of 11,000 identical embryos can be created from one egg. These 11,000 identical brothers and sisters become a "Bokanovsky group".

Each embryo is then bottled, labelled and sent down the conveyor belt to the "Social Predestination Room". It is here that they are given a caste designation (Alpha, Beta, Delta, Epsilon), carded into the main card index and stored. It is here that they are "sexed". Thirty percent of the female embryos are allowed to develop normally (to maintain the supply of initial ova). The rest of the female embryos are given a large dose of male hormone that renders them structurally female in all ways, but sterile.

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It is also here that their caste designation determines how much oxygen they will receive in their bottle. "The lower the caste, the shorter the oxygen." The lower caste Epsilons are oxygen deprived because for the labours they are destined to perform, they will not need human intelligence.

The "Bokanovskified", pre-sexed, caste designated embryos are then taken out of storage when needed and "decanted" where as children, they are subjected immediately to sleep learning tapes on the "conditioning wards". Hour after hour as they sleep, the children receive sleep reinforcement of their social caste designation. As they mature, they naturally ...

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