By concentrating on Act 1 Scene 5, explore the ways Shakespeare suggests that from even their first meeting Romeo and Juliet's love will end in tragedy?

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By concentrating on Act 1 Scene 5, explore the ways Shakespeare suggests that from even their first meeting Romeo and Juliet’s love will end in tragedy?

        Throughout the play, Shakespeare suggests that various difficulties and setbacks are likely to be faced in Romeo and Juliet’s relationship. From the very first scene, when fighting between the two opposing families broke out, the viewer of the play sees the hatred between the Montagues and the Capulets. So much is the hate, that they are willing to killing each other. After presenting this to the viewer, Shakespeare surprises us by hinting in Act 1 Scene 5 that a relationship is likely to form between Romeo and Juliet due to the love between them. Moreover, Shakespeare emphasises this when Romeo says, “Did my heart love till now? Forswear it, sight! / For I ne'er saw true beauty till this night.”

        Moving through the crowd, Tybalt, Juliet’s cousin, hears and recognizes Romeo’s voice. Realizing that there is a Montague present, Tybalt sends a servant to fetch his rapier. Capulet overhears Tybalt and reprimands him, telling him that Romeo is well regarded in Verona, and that he will not have the youth harmed at his feast. Tybalt protests, but Capulet scolds him until he agrees to keep the peace. As Capulet moves on, Tybalt vows that he will not let this indignity pass. Shakespeare again intensifies this because Tybalt says “Now, by the stock and honour of my kin / To strike him dead I hold it not a sin.”  This further suggests to the reader that the situation is getting tenser and it is not the right time for Romeo to get into a relationship with Juliet, Tybalt’s cousin. It is Tybalt’s anger that will eventually banish Romeo from Verona.

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        Romeo and Juliet don’t find out until after their kiss that they are from opposing families. Only after they have ‘fallen in love’ does Juliet find out that Romeo is a Montague. Just as their second kiss ends, the Nurse arrives and tells Juliet that her mother wants to speak with her. Romeo asks the Nurse who Juliet’s mother is. The Nurse replies that Lady Capulet is her mother. Romeo is devastated. Juliet is just as struck with the mysterious man she has kissed as Romeo is with her. She comments to herself that if he is already married, she ...

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