Can society fully control individuals? Support your thesis with examples from literature or science.

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Although society sets a myriad of rules and regulations that ostensibly circumscribes your actions, it is our choice whether or not to conform to these rules. Convincing examples to demonstrates this founds are found in A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen, To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee and Galileo’s choices of defying norms in the field of science.

Nora’s decision to leave Torvald and seek her independence in the play A Dolls House by Henrik Ibsen explicitly demonstrates that, regardless of what society dictates, choices are always present ot the individual. Nora was one of many women who suffered from the male supremacy during the Victorian Era. Her husband, Torvald, would call her demeaning names such as “squirrel” and “pet” and expects her to obey every command because society dictates that she should. However, Nora defied her “social norms” and left Torvald to achieve her independence: an act considered to be unthinkable at the time. Thus demonstrates that decisions are contingent upon individuals, not society.

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Another example which shows that our choices area solely determined by ourselves is that of Atticus and his decision to defend a black man, Tom Robinson, in To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. Atticus, who lives in a town inhabited by a racist, white community, decided to do what he thinks is right and defended a black man named Tom Robinson, who was spurious accused of raping a white girl. Despite Atticus’s cognizance of the vicious  calumny that he will be subjected to by society, he nevertheless made the decision which he considered is right and defended Tom Robinson. ...

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