Cars enslave us rather than liberate us.

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Topic: Cars enslave us rather than liberate us.         How much effort do you put in travelling to school or workplace each week? Created in 1870, cars have been one of the most useful and spectacular inventions of human beings. The society we live in has recently became completely reliant on these fuel-burning vehicles. It is widely discuss whether cars are a blessing or a real nightmare that may lead people astray. As a young driver, I firmly believe in the liberating power of cars. Not only do they facilitate life, but also encourage to broadens one’s horizons, which may be
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justified in the following essay.                                                        To begin with, cars allow people to travel from place to place with no limits. Basically, they give a perfect opportunity for those who live in the suburbs and have no access to the public transport. Living far away from the city requires the involvement of other people, typically parents, who drive their children to various places. Otherwise, how would they be able to develop and participate in some additional activities, like volunteering or learning to play the violin? It is important to stress that these ingenious machines may give people the fantastic experience of ...

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