Cars. Pollution, necessity or just showing off? Have you ever tried to imagine this world without cars?

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Have you ever tried to imagine this world without cars? Just close your eyes and imagine the centre of Skopje with no cars. Don’t you think that it would be wonderful? Empty streets, no traffic jams, no nervous drivers or what is even better no car accidents. Then, why do we need them? What role do they play in our lives?

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First of all,  I would like to mention the necessity of having a car. We all like travelling. I know that we can’t travel overseas by car, but very often people choose to travel by car if it is a place on the same continent. Sometimes it can be cheaper, or more convenient or even more fun. We also need cars for simple things like going to work and taking your kids to school, or going to the doctor’s. My mom needs her car to go to the market and bring all the things we need at home.


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