Characterization of Juliet

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Characterization of Juliet Capulet

        In William Shakespeare’s play Romeo and Juliet, Juliet Capulet is the 13 going on 14 year old daughter of the rich and noble Lord and Lady Capulet, who lives in Verona.   Besides being a dark haired beauty, she is kind and determined.  But at times, she can also be very stubborn and rebellious.  In the play, she falls in love with Romeo Montague, son of her family’s long time mortal enemies.  

        She is very practical and knows what she wants.  For example, when her mother is discussing marriage, Juliet says that it is an honor that she would dream not of.  But that statement soon changes after she meets the young and handsome Romeo.  Upon meeting Romeo, she jumps head-over-heels for him and will think of no one else but him.  Instead of going through her options, which includes Paris, and making a well thought of decision, she secretly marries Romeo a few hours later, showing a sense of independence.  

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        Her Nurse is always speaking very well of her, and is the apple in her father’s eye.  She doesn’t have a very good relationship with her parents although they love her very much and that she’s their hope for the future, which means marrying Paris.  Being told of her arranged marriage to the County Paris, she shows her rebellious side and faithfulness to Romeo, telling her mother, “I will not marry yet; and when I do, I swear it shall be Romeo, whom I know you hate, rather than Paris.” She also tries to stands up against her father, but ...

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