Charles by Shirley Jackson Analysis

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Shirley Jackson

Laurie creates an alter ego named "Charles" and uses him to take all the flaws that Laurie has in kindergarten.

2.         a) The underlying message, central idea, or moral discussed in a story.

        b) The story teaches us that something can be going on and we may not even notice it. The mother refuses to look at what is right under her nose, for trepidation of realizing something that she doesn't want to see- her dear, naïve little boy causing serious trouble. She adored listening to the stories her son would tell her about “Charles”. In fact, she couldn't wait for Laurie to get home from school so she could hear them. All the while Laurie was misbehaving at home. Instead, she would relatively think that it is another little boy named Charles. Another minor theme can be: if you lie then you will in time get caught red-handed.

3.         "The teacher spanked a boy, though ... For being fresh" (pg 8) was Laurie's replay to his mother asking him what happened in school. When I reread this I thought that this was where Laurie decided to put on his act. Another foreshadowing example was the unusual way Laurie kept on taking about “Charles”. Another observation I made was about Laurie’s behavior.  His mother also notes changes in his behavior: he no longer waves goodbye to her, slams the door when he comes home and speaks insolently to his father. Since they adore their son, his parents believe all he has to say, and this belief stops them from seeing that what he says is not the full truth.

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4.        When the mother discovers at the end of the story that there is no child named Charles in the class and that it is Laurie who has had trouble bending into kindergarten and has done all the bad things he credited to Charles, the reader no less than the mother is surprised.  The mother’s reaction would be quite embarrassed since she is the mother of ‘Charles’.

        Laurie creates a double of him to do “bad” so that he might stay good in the eyes of his parents. Loving but narrow-minded, the parents do not get involved. I think after realizing that ...

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