Choose one Dramatic Incident from 'Of Mice and Men' - What methods does Stienbeck use to Create and sustain Tension?

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Hannah Barnes.

Choose one Dramatic Incident from

'Of Mice and Men'

What methods does Stienbeck use to

Create and sustain Tension?

Incident- the crushing of Curley's hand

In the crushing of Curley's hand incident tension is apparent from the start.

In of mice and men there are a number of dramatic incidents. John Steinbeck makes them all very apparent from the start. I have chosen the incident of the crushing of Curley's hand.

Dramatic tension in this novel keeps the reader intrigued, it makes you want to read on and I think that John Steinbeck creates and sustains this very successfully. In the novel we are prepared for this incident and little hints and quotes make you notice the tension and realise soon there is going to be an incident apparent. Very early on in the novel (chapter 2) it is noticed that Curley does not like 'big men', which is why also very early on in the novel it is apparent that Curley takes an immediate dislike to Lennie. He immediately speaks rudely and in an intimidating manner to him.

-P.47 "Next time you answer me when you're spoken to"

Steinbeck mentions how Curley does not like Lennie earley on so that the reader knows that there is tension between them, and that there could be future trouble. This then gets the reader prepared for the 'explosion' of the fight.

Verbal exchange between Curley against Slim, Carlson and Candy was the first stage of Curley's humiliation. Before no one had ever dared to stand up to Curley, but now suddenly every-one had turned and Curley was on his own. Usually it was Curley who had started off the verbal arguments but however, this time it was Slim who could not take anymore from Curley. He shouts at Curley and tells him to
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"Look after his own god damn wife." And then when Curley try's to back down in the argument Carlson gets involved, positively backing up slims statements and using personnel insults towards Curley. Carlson calls him "a God Damn Punk! Your as yellow as a fogs belly" and as final revenge threatens to "kick his God damn head off!"

John Steinbeck uses great techniques and for a second you feel sorry for Curley. This is because every-one has turned against him and Steinbeck feels this is a great opportunity to start off the role reversal between Curley and ...

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