Commentary on 'The Wasps Nest'

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Commentary on ‘The Wasps Nest’

Rosenberg’s ‘The Wasps Nest’ is a poem that on a literal basis tells the tale of a pair of wasps building their nest in a persons mailbox and the struggle of that person about whether to destroy the nest. Yet Rosenberg uses the idea of the nest as a microcosm of the human reality to explore the fragility of our existence in a world where we think ourselves masters of all that we survey. Rosenberg uses a sharp sense of contrast to crate a struggled tone within the poem. This is intended to examine Rosenberg’s juxtaposition of strength and weakness, his strong sense of setting and powerful onomatopoeic description in the body of this essay.

Rosenberg’s key technique is his use of contrast between strength and weakness to expose our inherent fragilities. This contrast is tellingly revealed when he talks of “the fragile cradles of love”, a metaphor which sums up the entirely of Rosenberg’s poem. There is a sense of strength in the image conveyed through the word “cradle”- it brings to the reader’s mind an idea of castles and physical strength that the walls and stone bring. Yet this “cradle” is “fragile” – a word more commonly used to describe a glass object than stone, but which highlights that within this bastion of strength, where people appear to be in control of their own destiny, they are instead at their weakest. This idea is reinforced as Rosenberg is describing the idea of “love”- something that man should be in control of, because it is their emotion and often the bedrock of our lives, yet which every reader knows is just as fickle and unpredictable as anything else, something over which am has no control. This idea of weakness within apparent strength is the fundamental theme of the poem, which is a contrast highlight of the conflict between these two positions.

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Indeed, Rosenberg creates this conflict when he establishes the wasps nest as a microcosm for the human world. His initial description of the wasps as “aerial tigers” gives them a sense of power and almost invulnerability. It is a vivid metaphor as the “tiger” is a powerful predator that to the reader exudes strength: it is something that seems invincible within its own world. And, perhaps, the wasps, too, are invulnerable within their world of insects: yet Rosenberg reminds the reader that this being of strength can be destroyed easily outside of its reality. The poet states, quite emotionless, ...

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The essay writer analyses the poem very carefully here to determine its purpose and its message. S/he particularly examines the parallels drawn between the insect and human worlds, reflecting on the fragility of our own existence. There is a repeated error in replacing the word "citadel" in the poem with "cradle" but the writer makes the correct associations with citadel/castle and this could have arisen from a spelling check error. The introduction and the conclusion are clearly expressed and informative about the intentions and findings of this study. Paragraph and sentence construction are well managed throughout, with strong command of phrasing and well-chosen lexis. 5 stars