Comparative Essay for Two Simon Armitage Poems - Revealing Human Nature.

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Comparative Essay for Two Simon Armitage Poems

Revealing Human Nature                

We found that human nature was revealed in the two poems we were studying, ‘Untitled’ and ‘Poem’. They both have boring titles that although in a sense still draw in the reader because of the sense of mystery that is there. Both show hidden meanings that symbolise human nature ‘just my buttered finger way of asking you to marry me’. They are both sonnets as they have fourteen lines but ‘Poem’ does not fall into the typical category for a sonnet that you would normally expect. ‘Untitled’ is a better example as it plays a bigger role i.e. talking about love and relationships. However they are narrated differently. ‘Untitled’ is narrated in the 1st person making it more personal and the feelings of the person more understood, whereas ‘Poem’ is read out in the 3rd person creating a less involvement with the person. However both still give that dominant sounding effect which clearly put across their points about relationships and how they are affected in some way or another.

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‘Untitled’ is an honest poem in which a young boy tries to proclaim his love for a girl by branding a ring mark on their fingers. He could not express his true and meaningful feelings for this girl but found this was the only way to show his emotions, even though it meant hurting her. His words that define his hidden meaning for love all build up to this climax as to how he eventually lets this girl know how he feels, ‘asking you if you would marry me’. Unlike ‘Poem’ that just expresses how a man that did ...

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