Compare 2 holiday adverts

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By Sarah Burke

Comparing two holiday adverts

In this essay I will discuss the differences between two holiday adverts. The first is for a holiday in Blackpool and the other is for a much different holiday in Ibiza. Each has different selling techniques to attract their buying audience.

The first obvious difference between the two adverts is the layout. The Blackpool advert has its main picture set to the right side of the page, illustrating some of Blackpool’s most recognisable attractions. The advert uses a traditional way of displaying information by setting the text to the left side of the page. This could be seen as the older generation being influenced by words more than pictures. They have used a postcard to add a nostalgic touch to the advert, something else Blackpool is famous for. This adds a personal touch too.

The Ibiza advert has its main picture laid to the left side of the page. There aren’t any recognisable attractions to the layout but it does illustrate the clubbing scene in its picture something Ibiza is most famous for. The main focus for this advert is fun, using pictures to show this rather than text to describe it. This demonstrates that younger people are less interested in reading information and are more influenced by how good somewhere looks in a picture.

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The font used in the Blackpool advert is plain and simple, more of a traditional font, which makes it easier to read. It has been printed in black on a white background and is a larger size making it stand out on the page. Even the information band on the bottom of the page is the same font giving it a structured look.

The font used on the postcard is different, it has been done in the style of handwriting, making it look hand written, giving it the personal touch as well. This could have been done this way ...

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