Compare 'After a journey' and 'The Voice' - Examine Hardy's use of language in these two poems.

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The voice was written in the same year Hardys beloved wife Emma died. So the poem focuses on his heartache and loss over her. It shows his depression and how he mourned, we feel for him because he uses imagery and complexity in the poem to give us an idea of how he felt. From the first line we can tell what the poem is about

“Woman much missed, how you call to me, call to me”

This line shows how he misses his wife greatly. The poem seems to be in a kind of logical order, as he describes his feelings and what happened in the time after her death –

“ Faltering forward”

This quote shows us how he will mourn again soon because he is finding it extremely hard to get over his deceased wife. By visiting her old haunts and looking back at their good times it all contributes to the sadness he feels within himself. In the last verse he uses the sound of the wind in the words “oozing”, this helps to describe the feeling he held at the time of writing the poem. We associate the wind with being eerie and cold, and he uses this maybe to how us how lost he felt without his wife whom he loved greatly.

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Hardy uses an ABAB structure in the four verses of the poem (the 1st and 3rd lines of each verse rhyme, as do the 2nd and 4th). Throughout the voice, we see him trying to move on and although he knows he will never forget Emma, he wants to stop being sad. He writes the poem as if he was talking to his wife, we know this because he uses the words “I” and “you” quite a bit.

The second of the two poems “after a journey” was wrote almost 2 years after Emma’s death. He is trying to act positively and ...

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