Compare and contrast Act 1 Scene 1 of Romeo and Juliet in Franco Zeffereli’s 1968 version and Baz Luhrman’s 1997 adaptation.

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Compare and contrast Act 1 Scene 1 of Romeo and Juliet in Franco Zeffereli's 1968 version and Baz Luhrman's 1997 adaptation.


In this essay I intend to compare Franco Zefferli's 1968 version and Baz Luhrman's 1997 version of the Shakespeare play Romeo and Juliet.


The settings of the two films are very different, the 1968 film was set in Verona in Italy and the 1997 was set in Verona Beach in America, which is a modern city. The characters look very different, the 1968 version has traditional clothing and act more traditionally where as in the 1997 version they wear modern clothes, have guns and the music is operatic. The 1968 version has classical music, which makes you feel the film is more romantic and traditional.
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The 1997 film is aimed at a younger audience because of the setting, the music, the characters-how they dress, its things that the younger age group are interested in rather than classical music, Shakespearean custumes and swords. This is specifically to attract a wider range of audience.


The constructions of the two films are very different, the 1997 film uses more close ups, quicker changing camera shots and they show you what you need to know such as the number plate 'MON' is shown as the car drives into the garage. As Tybalt ...

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