Compare and contrast how Donne and Marvell present death in To His Coy Mistress and Death Be Not Proud.

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Rachel Diamond

English Literature Coursework: Poetry Comparison

Compare and contrast how Donne and Marvell present death in

To His Coy Mistress and Death Be Not Proud

To His Coy Mistress by Andrew Marvell and Death Be Not Proud by John Donne were written for two different purposes but the poets have used death as one of the main ideas in both poems. Death Be Not Proud was written at the time when Donne was ill so anger and contempt are very strong feelings that feature in the poem. Death Be Not Proud is in a group of poems and hymns written by Donne called the Holy Sonnets. Donne’s Holy Sonnets explore his love of God and depict his doubts, fears and sense of spiritual unworthiness. Death Be Not Proud is the most prominent example because the messages and ideas Donne has written about never show him as spiritually at peace.

The arguments used in Death Be Not Proud tend to defy death and are much more positive even though the poem is in fact quite negative. This may be because Donne was trying to make death seem small and insignificant because of his fear of it. The opening words of the poem “Death Be Not Proud,” immediately show Donne’s need to challenge death. He treats death as if he is arguing with a person and this may be to make it seem more of a mortal and something that can be beaten. Donne’s first two lines are degrading death and Donne tries to show that he has no fear of what is to come.

“Death be not proud, though some have called thee

Mighty and dreadfull, for, thou art not soe,”

Donne says that he does not think death is powerful or “mighty” and death should not try to scare him because he knows that it is not as dreadful as some may think. It is interesting that Donne refers to death as “poore,” which is a small but powerful detail in the fourth line. It goes against what most people thought of death at the time and of course, what many people still feel today. Death is usually seen as daunting, frightening and almost mysterious because of the little knowledge we have. Donne using the word “poore” disregards all original feelings of death and paints a new picture of a weak being which has no impact on him. Donne goes on to talk about death being a “slave to Fate,” which is an excellent idea to use. It belittles death again and introduces the idea that death is not the most powerful but is controlled by a more authoritative being. As well as saying that fate controls death, Donne also expresses the idea of people being able to control their fate. Therefore, saying that “kings, and desperate men,” are the prevailing power over both death and fate. Death being a “slave” is an interesting concept because death is normally seen as a thing with great power but a slave is someone with no power. Bringing death down to this level makes it seem humble and something that just carries out orders but has no ability to decide on what happens. “Poyson, warre, and sicknesse” and “poppie or charmes” are examples that Donne uses to show that people can choose to kill themselves and death does not play any part in it. They are human things that happen naturally and can be explained. They do not seem as intimidating as death and show that death’s course can easily be diverted. The idea of life after death is explored in the last two lines. Death is described as just “one short sleepe” which seems to be unimportant in the scheme of things until “wee wake eternally.” I think the most powerful statement in the poem is “Death thou shalt die.” This is very dramatic and the use of irony makes it a provocative statement to make. The idea that death, one of the most unexplained and indefinite things, which provokes so many different views, could die is a difficult idea to grasp, but Donne has made death so human throughout the poem that it seems believable.

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To His Coy Mistress was written by Marvell to persuade his mistress to go to bed with him. Although the poem is mainly about love there are some aspects of it that use death as a way to persuade. In To His Coy Mistress, the poet is talking to his Mistress whereas in Death Be Not Proud the poet is talking to death itself. This difference makes the language and tone used in the poems different. In To His Coy Mistress, the fusion of love and death would make it an influential poem to read for the woman at the ...

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