Compare and contrast how suspense and mystery is built up in 'The Clubfooted Grocer' by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and 'The Red Room' by H.G.Wells.

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Compare and contrast how suspense and mystery is built up in ‘The Clubfooted Grocer’ by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and ‘The Red Room’ by H.G.Wells

The Clubfooted Grocer by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle who is also the author of Sherlock Holmes and The Red Room by H.G.Wells are examples of pre twentieth century short stories. Society at the time the stories were written had strong opinions on class and in both stories the narrators are upper class young men who look down on lower class people in the story. The Clubfooted Grocer is more a detective story than a ghost story although the main narrator does not actively solve the mystery he just finds the answers in parts all the way through the story. The Red Room is a ghost story as you are led to believe there to be a ghost within the Red Room when at the end you are told there is nothing to fear but fear itself. The Red Room is left unsolved leaving the reader questioning unlike The Clubfooted Grocer the mystery is solved. The Red Room is set in a dark, draughty, almost abandoned castle apart from the three old people; it is a gothic horror story and is set at Lorraine Castle whereas The Clubfooted Grocer is set in the country.

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The narrator in The Clubfooted Grocer is confident, brave, loyal, curious and serious. An example of the main narrator being confident is “I started off on my adventure”. This shows the main narrator as being confident and curious, as he is excited at going to see his uncle even though he had been warned by his mother not to go. And he will explore new places so he is curious as to what he will see. The main narrator is reliable as a storyteller as he is there to witness what was happening he was not just going by ...

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