Compare and contrast how the poets have presented their speakers in 'My Last Duchess' and 'Salome'

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Compare and contrast how the poets have presented their speakers in 'My Last Duchess' and 'Salome'

'My Last Duchess' and 'Salome' both speak about the relationship between men and women. However, they are set in two different time periods and were written nearly 150 years apart. 'My Last Duchess' was written during the Italian Renaissance about a wealthy duke whose wife has just died. The Duke is now going to marry and he is showing a picture of his last duchess to the envoy of girl's father that he is going to marry. The poem is like a detective story where we find evidence as we go along. We have to piece all of this evidence together to get a final image of what the duke is really like. In the end we discover that he actually killed the duchess because he could not control her and that the way he achieved this is by placing her in a frame which is very sadistic. The duke talks about this freely and it becomes obvious that the envoy will report this to his master and stop the marriage but the duke does not seem to care. Browning uses this poem to show his feeling of how unfairly men treat women. 'Salome' is a modern representation of the biblical story of 'Salome'. Salome was granted a wish by King Herod and she wished for John the Baptist's head on a plate. Duffy writes a black humour version of this story showing an anti-social woman who seduces and murders men. However, some may argue this poem is a reference to the film 'The Godfather' which also involved finding a head on a platter.

'My Last Duchess' has a very conversational tone, created by the stops in the speech made by the use of punctuation. This makes it seem like a real conversation during which you would /stop to think or ponder over something you have said. 'A heart - how shall I say? - too soon made glad'. This is something you would do in a conversation if you couldn't find the right word. There are many other examples of this use of pauses throughout the poem. There are many reasons why Browning has used this effect. The reader can imagine the conversation more easily. It is more natural for us to read this way. This is also why Browning used this method.

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'My Last Duchess' is also a Dramatic monologue which means that there is one speaker, the Duke and he tells a story has a monologue speech of what has happened. It is a one-sided conversation. Poets often use this technique to express things they think about the world without causing a scandal. In this poem Browning uses the duke as an example to how men treated women during the Italian Renaissance and drew this inequality to the mid of the Victorians. This makes the duke seem like a bad character but leaves the poet in a good light.

Browning also uses enjambment in ...

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