Compare and contrast the presentation of ambition in Steinbecks Of Mice and Men and Shakespeares Macbeth

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Compare and contrast the presentation of ambition in Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men and Shakespeare’s Macbeth

Ambition can be defined as the desire for achievement, distinction or the desire for an object and the willingness to strive for it. In Macbeth and Of Mice and Men the protagonists’ ambitions are opposites, from the eventual grand desire in Macbeth of becoming king, compared with the simplistic nature of owning a small farm in the height of the Great Depression. These opposites of the protagonists’ ambition make it hard to compare ambition itself but more the causes, effects and portrayal of ambition in the two pieces.

Firstly the causes of ambition in the two pieces are different. In Macbeth, the causes of ambition are the witches, as they provide Macbeth with a prophesy: ‘hail to thee, Thane of Cawdor, All hail, Macbeth that shalt be king hereafter’, which gives him the ideas which form the object of his desires.

Contrast this with Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men and the ambition of the protagonists of owning ‘a little house an’ a room to ourself’. The ambition is simple and is born as a result of the hardship that they have endured. So in Of Mice and Men ambition is more personal to Lennie and George because it is something which originates from the hardships they have experienced, rather than the ambition in Macbeth which nothing has provoked but his mind has desired.

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The effects of ambition can be split up into two categories- the effects of ambition on the protagonists and the effects of ambition on the supporting characters. The effects on the main characters differ greatly in the two pieces. In Macbeth, he says ‘we will proceed no further with this deed’, this is in response to discussing how they might carry out the murder to complete his ambition. So by saying this, he puts doubt into the reader’s mind as to whether he will complete the deed; and also it gives the reader an insight into the battle which is ...

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