Compare and Contrast the Techniques used by Bradbury in A Whole Town is Sleeping and Collins in A Terribly Strange Bed to build tension and suspense.

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Compare and Contrast the Techniques used by Bradbury in A Whole Town is Sleeping and Collins in A Terribly Strange Bed to build tension and suspense.

The first thing in both stories that help build up tension and suspense are the titles. The title 'A Whole Town is sleeping' contrasts with 'A Terribly Strange Bed' because you do not know what the main point of the story is about there are not as many clues in the title to what is going to happen in the story as there are in A Terribly Strange Bed. Just looking at the title 'A Terribly Strange Bed' you know that the main 'bad' thing that is going to happen will be to do with a bed. The title 'A Whole Town is Sleeping' makes you want to read on to find out what the story is about because no clues are given by Bradbury in the title. I think this is more effective that the title 'A Terribly Strange Bed.'.

The features in each of these stories reflect the time period in which they were written. In A Terribly Strange Bed there are not so many paragraphs but each paragraph is longer and most of them have several subordinate clauses in and sentence. In A Terribly Strange Bed there is a paragraph that is over sixteen lines long. The reason for this difference in paragraph structure is the audience of each author. The audience of A Terribly Strange Bed was a Victorian one and they would proberly be used to that sort of long paragraphs and long sentences. The audience of A Whole Town is Sleeping would have been a 1950s one and because they had television, if a book could not keep them interested they would simply not read it. This is why Bradbury chooses to use several short paragraphs and sentences. In A Terribly Strange Bed because Collins has used lots of long sentences when he uses short sentences such as "Was the bed moving", it adds to the sense of suspense and tension.

The way in which the stories are written is also a contrast. A Whole Town is Sleeping is written in a third person narration but A Terribly Strange Bed is written in a first person narration. The advantage of having a third person format to create suspense and tension is that you do not know whether the person survives or not (in a first person narration you know that the person does not die). The disadvantage of having a third person narration is that you can not get into the characters' thoughts and emotions as easy (you have to use interior monologue) where as in a first person narration you can get right in to the characters' thoughts and know what they are thinking, this makes you wonder what is going to happen as you only know as much as they do.
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The way each author starts their story is another contrast. Bradbury begins by describing the setting. This helps create suspense because the setting that he describes is unknown. He also makes the town seem "far away from everything" and this makes it seem very remote and that if something were to happen - there would be nobody to help you and no one will come and rescue you in an emergency. This contrasts to the way that Collins has started his story. He chose to introduce the characters first, therefore making the setting more unknown and less predictable. ...

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