Compare and contrast the way act 3 scene 1 is presented byFranco Zefferelli and Baz Luhrman andHow they make it accessible

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Compare and contrast the way act 3 scene 1 is presented by

Franco Zefferelli and Baz Luhrman and

How they make it accessible

Shakespeare is a difficult text for most 16 year olds to understand. His use of Shakespearian phrasing and poetic iambic pentameter makes the text difficult. We have been studying Franco Zefferelli’s Romeo and Juliet and Baz Luhrman’s Romeo and Juliet. Film directors like Baz Luhrman and Franco Zefferelli have borne this in mine when making films of the play and have adopted different strategies to make the play more accessible for teenagers.

Franco Zefferelli’s film was made in 1968 in a traditional medieval setting in which Shakespeare set the play. Zefferelli’s career as an opera director is put to spectacular use in the movie by his use of medieval clothing and props and music, which creates a very visual image of the Shakespearian times.

To attract younger audiences he uses very young actors in Romeo and Juliet to play lead role. The older actors were established Shakespearean actors who had long experience in playing Shakespearian roles.

Zefferelli focuses on the main action in the play cutting the secondary stories the more reflective scenes. However Zefferelli expands Act 3 scene 1 by extending the fighting much more than it is in the play.

Baz Luhrman’s version of Romeo and Juliet was set in a modern American society with modern clothing and buildings. We see traffic, police helicopters flying, tall skyscrapers, road and gang casualties and scenes of overall chaos. This world that the viewers are shown is overwhelmed with violence which emphasizes the initial fight scene in Act 1 Scene1, which is much like the beginning scene of the Zefferelli’s Romeo and Juliet. However Baz Luhrman exploits and emphasises the violence in his movie and creates a gun instead of a sword culture, so it is more appealing.  This shows Baz Luhrman made a much greater effort to make the play accessible and appeal to a much younger and wider audience.

In his movie you can differentiate which characters belong to which family. Baz Luhrman does this by dressing the two families in different styles of clothes. The Montague's with light hair and brightly coloured surfing clothes. The Capulet’s with dark hair and dark leather clothes. Both the families are like gangs with their own identity and they are resembled like the Mafia gang culture.

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Luhrman also substitutes the sword for the gun in his version of Romeo and Juliet. To make it appeal to a wider audience and therefore makes it much more accessible for teenagers because the use of guns is linked more with the youth culture today.

In Luhrman’s film the images and references are much more recognisable to a younger audience. There are references to soap opera, gangster films and westerns all of which are used to help young people understand Shakespeare’s words. The film adopts a much more frenetic style of filming which adds to the tension and ...

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