Compare and contrast the ways in which the writer presents the supernatural in the short stories: The Signal Man and the Red Room!

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Sarah Rayner 10SH                                        Thursday 28th Nov 2002

Compare and contrast the ways in which the writer presents the supernatural in the short stories: The Signal Man and the Red Room!

        There are many different ways in which the supernatural are interpreted in the two short stories. In the openings of the stories, the first similarity was that they both open with direct speech. This shows apprehension which makes the reader read on. Most stories have an introduction so these seem very different already.

        As soon as you read on you see that both of the stories will be focusing on the theme of the supernatural. This is shown by the word ‘Tangible ghost’ (The Red Room) and is also shown by the actions of the signal man looking the opposite way to which the original noises were first heard. This creates a sense of something abnormal.

        In the Red Room, the attitude of the old people set the tension and suspense due to them insisting that there is some sort of supernatural being, living and haunting under their roof. The guest calms the tension when, by the way he phrases his words, he tells them that he is not scared and will never be scared of any non-living creature. The tension is brought up to a higher level when the old people mention that they will accept no blame if anything happens to him whilst he is alone upstairs; however, in The Signal Man, the tension and suspense is created with an entirely different approach. They do this by focusing on the atmosphere and the actions of the signal man. When the man calls down to him, the signalman does not reply: this makes him seem isolated and not part of this world. Whilst the readers are still wondering why he is such a strange character, the atmosphere builds up with the detailed description of the oncoming train, however, the description does not sound like a train but more like a vicious earthquake ready to hit and cause lots of damage. “vague vibration in the earth and air quickly changing into a violent pulsation, and an oncoming rush that caused me to start back as though it had force to draw me down.”   

        In the signal man the, the description of the long zig zaging path creates a sense of dinginess and the sort of atmosphere you would find when you least expect it.  The body language of the signal man makes us think that he may be waiting for something and is not aware of the surroundings and anything that is happening in them. His posture shows he is quite relaxed so what he is looking at cannot be too scary. This, as the readers, makes us wonder because the story itself was said to be base on the supernatural.  In the same case as the signal man, the posture and actions of the characters say a lot about how reliable they are as people. In this case, the old people being under the influence of alcohol makes everything they say even more unreliable; more unreliable than the thought of the supernatural actually existing. The way they were towards their guest made him feel even more uncomfortable and want to spend more time away from them. “The three of them made me feel very uncomfortable, with their gaunt silences, their bent carriage and their evident unfriendliness towards me and one another.”

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        He uses sarcasm when he talks to the old people by replying with the sentence… “Will you show me to this HAUNTED ROOM of yours?” This makes the readers feel no sense of atmosphere at all until the old man replied. The same thing happened in the signal man when the narrator called down and there was no reply. This, as I mentioned before, creates tension and suspense because you wonder what he will say, if he says anything at all! When he does reply, the guest heard the answer he didn’t want to hear and gradually the tension and suspense builds ...

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