Compare and contrast wuthering heights and thrushcross grange

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Wuthering Heights’ Emily Brontës only published novel. The book was written in 1847. Emily Brontë grew up in Haworth, A little village in Yorkshire. With little to do in the town, Emily spent her days playing on the moors with her brother and sisters. Emily had few troubles; she had little formal teaching and conversed with a limited number of people in the village. Having a small amount of education and no friends, the majority of her knowledge was provided by her Father. In ‘Wuthering Heights’, it is apparent how her life in Haworth and her time spent on the moors influenced her style of writing and the decisions she made whilst she wrote this milestone of 19th century English literature.    

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Thrushcross Grange is a luxurious place compared to the more rustic Wuthering Heights. There is more opulence and more refinement to Thrushcross, which is reflected in the characters who people each place. A great example is Edgar Linton (Thrushcross) versus Heathcliff (Heights): Edgar is refined and elegant, he governs his passions and emotions and is definitely upper class whereas Heathcliff is rough and inelegant, full of passion which he never represses and is definitely the product of a lower class.

The two homes reflect the people you'll find in each. The problem starts when Cathy denies her heart and opts ...

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