compare attitudes to marriage in 'tony kytes' and 'the withered arm'

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Compare the attitudes to marriage in ‘Tony Kytes, Arch Deceiver’ and ‘The Withered Arm’

In Tony Kytes, Tony comes across as a bit of a player. This is because he asks all three women, all of which have had connections with Tony, to marry him, even though he is engaged to one of them; Milly Richards. Tony’s attitude to marriage could be that it’s not really that important to the men of the 19th century, and that getting married is just to say that they are married. This is suggested when Tony is rejected by Hannah Jolliver and Unity Sallet, but Milly accepts again, just for the ability to say that he is married.

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However, the women’s attitude to marriage was mainly that they had to get married for the social status. This is shown well through Milly’s acceptance to Tony. When Tony asks Milly, she replies with ‘If you like, Tony’ illustrating how she’s not very keen on marrying him after what just happened, but will anyway because she wants to be married.

Unity Sallet comes across as an independent woman, which can be mirrored in today’s times. She says ‘take her leavings? Not I!’, meaning that she doesn’t want to marry someone that was rejected not one minute ago. Because she walks ...

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