Compare Flight and Your shoes

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Sujan Thapa

Compare ‘Flight’ and ‘Your shoes’

I am going to write about two stories from the anthologies which deal with the theme of growing up. I will compare these two stories showing how the writer uses language and structure to convey these ideas.

The story ‘Flight’ is written by Doris Lessing, it is about tension between generations as the girls wants to leave home and start her new life. But her grandfather is reluctant to let go of his granddaughter. The story ‘Your shoes’ is written be Michele Roberts. It is about a girl who ran away from her house and her house and her mother is upset and questioning her daughter’s decision why she did it.

In both stories they have theme of growing up, relationship and loss. In ‘Flight’ the writer Lessing gets the idea of growing up across to reader through the idea of Alice being the last of many and grandfather wishing to hold on to her so that he can protect her again. In flight there is relationship between the grandfather and his granddaughter and the loss of his granddaughter as she is getting married because she has grown up. In ‘Your Shoes’ the relationship between mother and daughter and the theme of loss in the story come from the daughter running away and the mother feeling she has lost her. In ‘Your shoes’ the writer through the relationship between the two ladies and the shoes is venturing into the ideas of teenage life and the relations that a child needs with all his or her relatives.

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There is symbolism used in ‘Flight’ and ‘Your Shoes’. In flight the grandfather’s favourite pigeon was a representation of his granddaughter, what he does to his pigeons is what he want to do to his granddaughter.

“Shut the bird into a small box and fastened the bolt”. This shows that the grandfather wants to keep his granddaughter and doesn’t want to let her go. At the end of the story when the grandfather releases his favourite pigeon, he releases his granddaughter as he has accepted that she has grownup and it is her life. The grandfather’s favourite pigeon is ...

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Although the title of the piece suggests a comparison between the two texts, the analysis never really does this. It is essential that when you are comparing texts you make links throughout the essay to show your understanding of how the pieces are both similar and different. Both texts also need analysing in more depth and with more specific references being made to the texts. 3 Stars