Compare the characters of Hero and Beatrice, as they are presented by language and action in the play - In what ways do their characters and behaviour reflect sixteenth century attitudes towards women and their role in society?

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Compare the characters of Hero and Beatrice, as they are presented by language and action in the play.

In what ways do their characters and behaviour reflect sixteenth century attitudes towards women and their role in society?

The two characters of Hero and Beatrice are in complete contrast. Both characters however represent stereotypes that men had of women in the sixteenth century. Hero is young, quiet and in everyway the typical and greatly desired Elizabethan woman that men wanted for a wife. In contrast to this Beatrice could have been viewed by men as a shrew because she attempts to stand up for women’s rights and rebels against the life style that women were expected to lead.

Shakespeare established the difference in Hero’s and Beatrice’s personalities and character in the first scene. Beatrice interrupts the conversation between her uncle and the messenger

Beatrice: I pray you, is Signior Mountanto returned from the war or no?

From this we see that Beatrice is impatient and has no time for formality. Beatrice’s wit, recognised as intelligence in Elizabethan England, and a greatly admired quality in the sixteenth century, is quiet intimidating for the men. The messenger realises that her wit and strong personality is something he does not want to have to come up against therefore says

Messenger: I will hold friends with you lady

In this scene Beatrice is the centre of attention, while Hero patiently stands to one side, but isn’t acknowledged. Hero’s silence while the men speak, shows that her upbringing, and father’s dominance over her has taught her to respect the men in her life. It could also be because her cousin Beatrice’s strong personality has overshadowed Hero’s. However Hero’s personality is different when she is around women, she becomes more assertive and is stubborn

Hero: My cousin’s a fool, and thou art another. I’ll wear none but this

Hero also shows that she is intelligent because she and Margaret are teasing Beatrice and Hero makes a joke about Benedick.

Margaret: Get you some of this distilled Carduus Benedictus and lay it to your heart. It is the only thing for a qualm.

Hero: There thou prick’st her with a thistle

Hero’s wit however is still none compared to Beatrice who has a way with words and is very good with puns and quick fire retaliations to Benedick.

The descriptions of the two characters from their suitors differ as well. When Claudio is speaking about Hero, he uses elaborate metaphors and speaks in blank verse

Claudio: You seemed to me as Dian in her orb

              As chaste as in the bud ere it be blown

Here he is describing Hero as a rose that has not opened yet, and he also refers to the Goddess of virginity Diana. The unopened bud and reference to the goddess are significant because they are referring to her innocence and lack of sexual awareness. Claudio refers to Hero in blank verse because he is putting her on a pedestal. This is a common thing for men to do in Elizabethan times because it is yet another stereotype that they had, a woman as a goddess. I think that Shakespeare uses this stereotype for Claudio and Hero because Claudio is thinking of Hero so highly that the audience will begin to expect a fall, because the higher you are the further and harder you fall. Not only does Claudio put her on a pedestal but he also gives the impression of Hero’s youth.

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Claudio: She is the sweetest young lady that even I looked on

 In the speech he uses the words ‘sweetest’ and ‘young’ to show Hero’s innocence, purity and youth. Claudio’s address of Hero differs from Benedick’s address of Beatrice because Benedick speaks in straight prose when he is talking about Beatrice.

Benedick: Were she not possessed with a fury, exceeds hero as much in beauty as the first of May doth the last of December

Here Benedick’s saying that Beatrice is very attractive, and a lot better looking than Hero, but she has a strong personality that precedes her. We ...

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