Compare the Characters of Ralph and Jack. How does Golding influence the reader's responses to his characters?

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Compare the Characters of Ralph and Jack.

How does Golding influence the reader's responses

to his characters?

In the beginning of Lord of the Flies, Ralph is aware of the fact that he is on a deserted island, but is in a sort of daydream. He's very rude and immature towards Piggy and acts awkwardly towards Piggy, as if there was no one else on the island.

"This is an island. At least I think it's an island."

The author tells in that line that Ralph is possibly in a daydream and can't tell fantasy from reality. When it is only Ralph and Piggy at the start, he is rather lazy, sleepy and quick tempered, but not the least bit worried about being abandoned on an unknown island.

"Now the shell was no longer a thing seen but not to be touched."

Ralph discovers the conch, which's something that interests him but doesn't know what it is so he turns to Piggy for knowledge. Ralph realizes that the conch is something valuable just by looking at it, but doesn't know that it is very significant and would become the symbol of his future leadership.

"The creature was a party of boys marching approximately in step in two parallel lines and dressed in strangely eccentric clothes." The author places the reader in Ralph's body so that they see everything he seeing. This gives us an insight into Ralph's mind, which influence our views about him.

Jack appears wearing a 'cap badge' and a cloak, which tells the reader that Jack has some type of hierarchy, he is the one leading the choir and they all seem to obey him. The author description of Jack is very unappealing and devilish, and through the description of his eyes we can work out that he probably very short tempered. As soon as he meets Piggy he starts bullying him and putting him down, as if he's already organized in his mind who should speak and who shouldn't.
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"He's not fatty,' cried Ralph, "his real name's Piggy."

Ralph defends Piggy because he feels sorry for him, but makes the situation worse by being careless and breaking his promise. Ralph suggests that the children should have a chief because he wants to bring law order to the island.

When they are voting for a leader Jack exclaims that he should be chief as if it were a natural thought for him because he comes from a private school, where as Ralph is middle classed, therefore he probably attended a grammar school education. Ralph wins the ...

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