Compare the different memories o f childhood presented in "Mid Term Break" and "In Mrs Tilschers Class"

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Compare the different memories o f childhood presented in "Mid Term Break" and "In Mrs Tilschers Class"

Both of these poems "Mid Term Break" By Seamus Heaney and "In Mrs Tilschers Class" By Carol Ann Duffy deal with childhood memories.

Carol Ann Duffy was a Scottish poet who wrote 'In Mrs Tilschers Class'. This poem reminds me of my last days in the last year of primary school which is interesting and makes me have a positive effect to it. Seamus Heaney was a Northern Irish poet who wrote 'Mid Term Break' however this title describes a holiday he tell us about an unforgettable moment in his life that he will never forget. Heaney was born on April 13, 1939 at the family farmhouse of "Mossbawn" near Castledawson in Co Londonderry, and educated intially at Anahorish primary school.

These two poems are autobiographical. Duffy has an oddly written structure written in the second person, so the reader identifies with 'you'. She has her poem set in her classroom in Easter term. The tone and mood is light hearted and happy. She has 4 stanzas with 8 lines in each. Heaney use 'I' which makes the reader identify with Heaney. He has set his poem in many places his college sick bay, home, his bedroom and in the morning and the morning after. The tone and mood is sad and tragic. He uses 7 stanzas with 3 lines in each but the last stanza has only one line which is powerful and grabbing to the reader.
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"In Mrs Tilschers Class" she describes the change that takes place between childhood and adolescence. The safety of Mrs Tilschers primary school classroom is contrasted with life outside against a background including the moors murderers Ian Brady and Myra Hindley. A growing sexual awareness marks the end of innocence. In the first stanza Duffy describes the geography lesson that they were in where Mrs Tilschers "chanted the scenery". Duffy uses an effective simile to convey her sense of happiness at being in "In Mrs Tilschers class" when she said the classroom "glowed like a sweet shop" Using the ...

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