Compare the poems The Beggar Woman by William King and To His Coy Mistress by Andrew Marvell showing how each poem conveys a very different attitude to love and relationships

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Compare the poems The Beggar Woman by William King and To His Coy Mistress by Andrew Marvell showing how each poem conveys a very different attitude to love and relationships.

In this essay I will be comparing two poems, The Beggar Woman and To His Coy Mistress. I will be looking at how the themes of love and relationships are dealt with. I will also be looking at the historical context of the poems.

Firstly in The Beggar Woman, written around 1663 to 1712, by William King. The story within the poem is about a gentleman who, whilst he is out hunting, wants to do another kind of ‘sport’, i.e. looking for a woman to have sex with. He found a woman who was a beggar. He asked her if she wanted to have sex in the woods, and, to his delight, she said yes. They go deep into the woods but she says she is unable to ‘do it’ with her baby on her back. So desperately, the gentleman ties the baby to his back. Without him realising, she then runs off leaving the baby with him shouting “goodbye,” and telling him not to be angry. He then suggests that before he tries to ‘make babies’ again, he should get used to taking care of that one.

To His Coy Mistress was written at about 1621 to 1678, by Andrew Marvell. This poem is written more like a speech. A man is talking to a woman, saying how much he wants to have sex with her. He keeps talking about what little time they have got and what will happen if they don’t have sex. He describes what they could do if they had more time – “We would sit down, and think which way

  To walk, and pass our love’s long day.”

In the poem, The Beggar Woman, the ‘gentleman’s attitude to the woman is that he only wants to have sex and then just leave her. He will just get what he wants and it doesn’t matter what she wants. He is just using her because it is appropriate for him at that time.

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“A gentleman in hunting rode astray,

More out of choice than that he lost his way:

He let his company the hare pursue,

For he himself had other game in view:”

This quote shows that he was chasing a woman and that he is not looking for anything more than sex. He just wants a bit of fun like any sport would give him.

When reading the poems they create images of what is happening are created. In The Beggar Woman, William King does not use any similes or metaphors. I think this is because he needs to keep ...

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