Compare the two female protagonists in Veronica and A Stench of Kerosene

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“Compare the two female protagonists in ‘Veronica’ and ‘A Stench of Kerosene’”

The two female protagonists from “Veronica” and “A Stench of Kerosene” have several similarities as well as differences. Their lives are very different, mainly due to where they live, and the amount of wealth they possess. Money, in general plays a key role in the outcome of Veronica and Guleri’s lives. While Guleri seems to live in abundant wealth, Veronica is living in acute poverty. However, both women were born into their wealth, i.e. Guleri could not help being born into a rich and well off family, and Veronica, too could not do anything to help her situation. This shows that each writer has created a character that has to, in a way, adapt to the circumstances they find themselves in, and learn to make best of these situations.

There are several prominent themes in “A Stench of Kerosene.” The most evident is culture. It plays a key role in the story because it acts as a plot device e.g. Guleri going to the annual fair. It also lets the reader see how the characters react to difficult situations e.g. Manak marrying another woman so that she can bear his children as Guleri is barren. Culture and tradition may be important in “A Stench of Kerosene,” but in “Veronica” there is not much evidence to show that culture was important. This may be because their community lived in such destitution that they could not afford to follow customs. The reader can see here that because Guleri’s community is considerably richer, they are able to pay attention to following traditions and customs, but Veronica’s community is far too poor to follow some customs, like the fair. Despite this, Veronica’s community do follow other social customs, for example they don’t get involved when Veronica is being physically abused by her father. Culture is significant to the stories because it gives the ability to show some events in a different, and new light e.g. the idea of Manak getting married to another woman, may seem strange to some readers, but from the mother-in-law’s point of view it is a chance for Manak to become a father at last.

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Another less evident theme in both stories is the loyalty that the characters have to their family, or certain members of their family. The writer may have included this as a theme in the stories to show how “culture” and “family” are closely connected. In Veronica, this is shown when she refuses the offer from Okeke to move to the city. Even though, her family have never helped her, and her father physically abused her, she still declined the offer, saying that her “own place is here.” The writer may have included this to show that in Veronica’s community, ...

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