Compare 'Tony Kytes:Arch-deceiver(TM) with Tess of the d(TM)Urbervilles(TM) and Tickets Please(TM)

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Pre 1914 Prose Essay

By focusing on ‘Tony Kytes:Arch-deceiver’, with reference to ‘Tess of the d’Urbervilles’, both by Thomas Hardy, I will discuss Hardy’s exploration of the social differences between men and women, illuminating what this shows about life before WW1 by contrasting it with ‘Tickets Please’ by D.H. Lawrence, set during WW2.

Prior to WW1, women were treated unfairly in society.  Women, who were of a low social class worked on farms and in the fields, and only those that were attractive would be lucky enough to marry.  Men’s attitude towards women was that men are higher up in the world and that women are never equal, women would never be treated with the respect that they deserve.  Men felt inferior to women, “I didn’t know you ever sent them anything” she murmured, much moved.  “I almost wish you had not, yes, I almost wish it”. (Tess of the d’Urbervilles : Chapter 11).  Tess is shocked at what Alec has done for her but at the same time is disgusted and wishes he had not.  “It hampers me so” which Alec answers “Tessy, don’t you love me ever so little now?” (Tess of the d’Urbervilles: Chapter 11).  Tess reluctantly claims that she is grateful “I’m grateful” but tells Alec she does not love him for his efforts.  “I fear I do not”.  This chapter of Tess of the d’Ubervilles by Thomas Hardy shows how society disadvantages women; Tess is literally forced into her relationship with Alec.

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Tony the main character in Tony Kytes: Arch Deceiver tricks women into loving him.  Tony asks three girls to marry him at once.  Hardy is trying to show that men had no, or not much respect for women and treated them like possessions and objects.

Both of these stories are set in rural Dorset at around the time of Hardy’s childhood.  Thomas Hardy is sympathetic to women and exposes how restricted their lives were.

However, after WW1 women were treated more fairly because while the men were out fighting the war, the women were given the huge ...

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