Comparing a Bridge to Far with Saving Private Ryan

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English Coursework        Mrs Dawson        Michael Bell 10C

Analyse the methods used in the opening battle scenes of “Saving Private Ryan” and the battle scenes in “A Bridge Too Far” to make these films realistic. To what extent do the differences in the films reveal the ways in which the genre of war films has changed over time?

The director ( in this case Stephen Spielberg and Richard Attenborough )   would be getting information for the film from factual pieces of information like relics from the war or books, the list for information could be endless. The directors would then use this information to make a realistic environment for the movie to be set in.

The settings at the start of the films differ because of the difference in shooting of the films. A Bridge Too Far was set about 30 years ago meaning the audiences preferences for an opening bit wasn’t going to be gory. Saving Private Ryan on the other hand is an ultra realistic film; this was allowed to be done because the audiences’ tastes and desires changed over time. Bearing this in mind each film starts off in a different way, A Bridge Too Far with its introduction to the war. Where as Saving Private Ryan with its Beach scene, full of blood guts and Psychological Horror. These films create realism in different ways as well, now taking into account these films were made a while apart from each other, so they both were available to different technology, makes it seem more likely for the recent film to have better effects, thus creating realism, don’t you think?

In Saving Private Ryan the effect of a major star as a main part, makes people more inclines to go and watch it because the ‘Major star’ will have a good reputation or might be a teenage heart throb, making more people want go to and see it as they know if the actor is used to his/her full potential, the film will be outstanding.

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I think Earlier on in the movie industry people had the idea that big stars would ‘make’ big movies. But over time they came to their senses and realised it’s the quality of the film and the plot, not the reputation of the actors in general. A Bridge to Far is a prime example of this, even though its got a storyline they gave all the main stars at that time, main parts. Hoping people would go and watch it just to see their Idol/Idols grouped together re enacting part of history. Even if this worked at the time, ...

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