Comparing and Contrasting Macbeth and Lady Macbeth

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Comparing and Contrasting Macbeth and Lady Macbeth

In the play ‘Macbeth’ by Shakespeare, the characters Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are both depicted very differently with only a few attributes in common (e.g. the desire to obtain kinship). These differences start of relatively small and seemingly unimportant. However, as they are spiralled downwards into the problems caused by their joint disruption of the divine order it is interesting to note how the great differences in their reactions to the problems reflects their differences in character. The way in which they react to each other is also a valid indicator of their characters especially when considering how the circumstances effect who controls whom and how they do this.

    Both Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are greedy and over-ambitious however they express these attributes in different forms. Macbeth has the desire to become king but doesn’t have the mental capacity to formulate an adequate plan. After two thirds of the prophecies have come true he takes the line of thought that because his position as king is already predetermined, he doesn’t need to make any actions in pursuit of the title: "If chance will have me king, why, chance may crown me without my stir." His wife, on the other hand, is perfectly able to create a suitable plan (which she does) and troubles only a little with emotions getting in the way. Macbeth plays the role of hesitant murderer whilst Lady Macbeth is too quick to jump in as a calculated butcher and suffers the consequences after the deed is done.

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    In this early part of the play the reader is directed to sympathize with Macbeth much more so than Lady Macbeth. This is because Lady Macbeth is the one that actually converts killing Duncan and rising to kinship from being just a fantastical idea to reality. The way she does this is also a wrongdoing to Macbeth because she breaks his separation between the battlefield and his life outside of it by manipulating him to kill Duncan and his best friend, Banquo causing him to lose his rationality and senses of guilt and shame. To do this she ...

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