Comparing Charge of The light Brigade and Exposure.

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Compare the representation of war in Owen’s ‘Exposure’ and Tennyson’s ‘Charge of the Light Brigade’

Consider how the messages are conveyed through context, language and imagery.

Alfred Tennyson’s ‘Charge of the Light Brigade’ and Wilfred Owen’s ‘Exposure’ are two different portrayals of war through poetry. ‘Charge of the Light Brigade’ is a fast moving poem made up of six stanzas with rhyming in each. The poem describes the advance made by the Light Brigade during the Battle of Balaclava, part of the Crimean War. The Crimean war took place between 1853 and 1856 and Tennyson is one of the most important poets of the Victorian period. From 1850 until his death in 1892, he was poet Laureate, the countries official poet. The poem praises the Brigade, celebrating the sacrifice they made for the country.   In the poem there is both the realistic depiction of the violence experienced by the soldiers and the glory of dying for their country.  

Exposure is a poem written about experiences during the war in winter during World War 1. His poem was a lot more depressing and looked on the more non-heroic. It talks about all the dangers of war not just the battles but it focuses on weather a lot throughout the poem, he talks about “Merciless iced east winds” and “frost will fasten to the mud” This gave us a very descriptive image of the climate during the war. Unlike Tennyson who based his poem on a newspaper report, Wilfred Owen actually experienced the war so he had a first hand view of what war was like.

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At the time of the Crimean war there was much less freedom of speech then there is now. Many poets couldn’t even get their poems published during war time to protect the government from being ridiculed for the conditions of war. So it is likely that Alfred Tennyson was told to write a poem praising the soldiers who died in the battle, however It could be just as possible that Tennyson was very awestruck by what he wrote as heroism which the soldiers showed in the war. “When can their glory fade?” and “Honour the charge they made!” are ...

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