Comparing "Dulce et Decorum est" and "Fall in". Fall in is effective by persuading men to join the army. However the second poem is effective by talking about the horrific events in the war. Both of the poems are inducing guilt.

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Lachyn Gylyjova. 9L/9SM.

The first poem I have selected is called “Fall in” by Harold Begbie.  This poem  is trying to persuade young men to come  and join the war because it is a great and noble thing to do. The poem suggests that Britain's call for young men to join the army is the same as God ordering to do so.  However, the poem “Dulce et Decorum est” by Wilfered Owen is commenting on how terrible it is in war and how terrifying it is to have someone die in front of your eyes. Also, it is commenting on the terrible dreams and memories that  effects these soldiers, after the war.

I think that Begbie is trying to get men to go and fight for their own country and if they did not they are cowards. He is also saying  if they don't go they contravene  Gods command. However,  Owen is angry about the lies that were told to make men go to war and he wants people to know the truth.

  1. The message in “Fall in” is that war is an honourable and glorious thing to do. The poem also suggests that if you fight for your country you will get  all the girls, be respected and you can tell your children what you did in the war. However, in the other poem the message is how terrible it is to have a soldier die in front of your eyes   under clouds of  mustered gas. “Fall in” is saying  go to war be brave and fight for your country. The reference to “ a girl who cuts you dead?” suggests that if they don't go to war no woman would want to be seen  with them or talk to them  because they were afraid to fight for their country. However, in “Dulce et Decorum est” the poet is saying that it is terrible in the war and he is also talking about a soldier who was choking in a clouds of mustered gas “As under a green sea ,I saw him drowning.”  Owen is comparing the gas to the “Green sea” because the soldier is drowning while he is fighting for oxygen just like you would do if you were drowning in the sea.

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The poems are different as they present very different views of England. In the first poem the view of England is presented as a romantic one of going to  football matches, having a pint with your friends and sitting in front of the fire place on a cold winter night. “In the far off winter night, when you sit by the fire in an old man's chair.” this suggests that in the future when your are old and sitting by the fire place you will be comforted by the memories of fighting bravely during the war.  The image in the ...

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