Comparing "Mid-term Break" and "The Early Purges".

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Charlie Longuehaye 11DA

Comparing “Mid-term Break” and “The Early Purges”

        The two poems I have looked at are both wrote by Seamus Heaney, they both deal with death but in very different ways. One poem is set in the countryside and shows that death is part of the life there; the other is set in the city and shows how hard a family member dieing is. Both poems are very emotional because one poem involves kittens and the other involves a young child, they are both young and innocent.

        The first poem is called “The Early Purges”; the word “Purges” means to clear or sort out, this suggests the poem will be about clearing or getting rid of something. The first word of the poem is “I” from this we can tell it is a personal experience; this makes us more involved in the poem. The poet tells us about when he “first saw kittens drown” this suggests he has seen it happen a lot more since then. The first line goes straight into the theme of the poem the poet might have done this to shock the reader or to just get the poem flowing quickly, also from this line we get a real feeling of what the poem involves the death of the kittens.

        The word “scraggy” gives the effect of a small, not cared for kitten. It makes us feel sorry for them. The poet describes the bucket as “frail” this is like the kittens; they are weak, young, innocent and are being thrown around. In this next stanza there is alliteration of the letter S with “soft paws scrapping” and “soon soused” this reinforces the sound of water and since they are being treated so badly it makes us automatically feel sorry for them and question why they are being treated like this. In this stanza there is a rhyming couplet, which is in most stanzas, “din” and “in”, the rhyming makes the poem less serious and more like a nursery rhyme. The boy “Dan” is not bothered about the kittens; we know this because he “slung” the bucket this implies he does this with no care. Also another way we see that “Dan” doesn’t care about killing the kitten is that the water was “pumped in” this prolongs the death, it would have been easier and less painful for the kittens if he had put them straight into the water not slowly fill it up. This gives the effect he is nasty, cruel and heartless.

        The next stanza starts with a question “Sure isn’t it better for them now?” To me this is like he is reassuring himself as well as the poet. He is trying to reassure himself because he might know inside that it is wrong, this makes me question his motives for doing this brutal act if he’s not a hundred percent sure about doing it. There is a simile with “Like wet gloves”; the poet is trying to relate something we know the gloves, with something we don’t, the kittens drowning. Gloves are always lost and forgotten about; they are not very important and can easily be replaced. Here the kittens are thought of as worthless and not important like gloves are. To “Dan” the kittens are waste because they are put on the “Dunghill,” this shows that on the farm they are worthless. It gives a sad effect because we know kittens as pets but in this poem they are pests. The boy was affected by what he saw as he “sadly hung” this gives the effect he is of guiltiness and shows the boy feels sorry for the kittens .We know the boy is young as he uses the word “sogged” this is a childish word and shows his innocence which relates to the kittens as they were also young and innocent.

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Through-out the poem the poet is very descriptive, one way we see this is when he describes the kittens as “mealy and crisp”, this shows the boy looked closely at the kittens bodies, it gives the effect of interest as if he is watching them closely he could be doing this because he feels guilty or because it is a new experience for him. The word “dung” implies the kittens are thought of as waste and leftovers; they are not wanted so they are disposed of. The next stanza shows the harsh reality of what Dan does the words “trapped” ...

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