Comparison Between The Ways In Which Browning And Hardy Present Love.

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A Comparison Between The Ways In Which Browning And Hardy Present Love.

Meeting at Night and Neutral Tones are two poems about relationships. Meeting at Night is about a couple in the lust stage of their relationship. Whereas Neutral Tones is about the end of a relationship. Both authors have presented the stages of love in various ways. I shall explain how in the paragraphs to follow.

When reading a poem, the first thing that the reader usually glances at it the title, therefore, the title has to have a certain amount of information in it. For example, when the reader looks at the word Neutral in Neutral Tones he or she will immediately have certain ideas and connotations running through his or her head. The word ‘neutral’ has connotations such as ‘silence,’ ‘disinterest,’ ‘dispassionate’ and ‘impartial.’ Therefore, the reader immediately is given a clue about what the poem is going to be about. The reader knows that this poem is not going to be about something exciting or adventurous. As a result, Hardy’s presentation of love is  bleak.

When the reader looks at the title Meeting at Night, he or she will be thinking or words such as ‘sneaky,’ ‘secretive,’ and ‘hidden.’  Therefore the reader will know that the poem is about something secretive and maybe about two people meeting at night. Consequently, Browning has presented love by telling the reader that two people have to meet at night, in secret (which has implications of it’s own).

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One of the ways that one can tell that Neutral Tones is about a concluding relationship is by the figurative language. For example, line nine declares “The smile on her face was the deadest thing”. By using the word “deadest,” Hardy has suggested that the connection between the two is dying; had he used the words “happiest” or “warmest”, it would have changed the message of the phrase totally and would have suggested that the relationship was content.

Hardy also uses the word grey often. As grey is associated with neutral and endings but not the end, it suggests that ...

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