Comparison Of The Female Characters In The Withered Arm And Tony Kytes, The Arch Deceiver - Essay

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Comparison Of The Female Characters In The Withered Arm And Tony Kytes, The Arch Deceiver - Essay

        I am going to write a comparison of the female characters in The Withered Arm and Tony Kytes, The Arch Deceiver. The two stories by Thomas Hardy portrays very different moods from each other and the atmosphere from the two are noticeably different. Tony Kytes, The Arch Deceiver is mainly a hilarious story of an afternoon when Tony was driving home his wagon from the market. From Tony’s antics, the three young ladies who he’d tried to cover from each other, all discovered each other’s presence later on in the story. The Withered Arm, again written by Thomas Hardy is a more depressing and sympathetic story about loneliness. All the characters in the story had experience loneliness at some point. The consequence of such loneliness is that all the characters suffer. An example of such consequence is that Rhoda usually neglects his son and hardly gave him any reassurance. From her attitude, her son dies emotionally alone at the end of the novel and with it, nobody communicates with Rhoda, even with the recent death of her son.

        The female characters in ‘Tony Kytes, The Arch Deceiver’ seems to have the tendency to follow the male initiatives of Tony, so willing that they even suspend common sense and also suffer some indignity along the way. Though Tony seems to be both weak and indecisive, he is a well-meaning character. Female characters however don’t seem to be very diverse and is stereotypically described in a manipulative feminine manner, “and-can you say I’m not pretty Tony? Now look at me!” The story is set in the countryside, which isn’t really important as the story could have been set in a town from that period. But what is really important is the actual period itself, as it is quite difficult to imagine such naivete from such women today. Women at that time didn’t have many rights and is mainly expected to marry. There were either little or no opportunities for them to work and to become financially independent, as it is mainly the men who get such rights to do these things. Women therefore directed all their interests into finding a husband, using whatever cunning as necessary. In today’s society, the situation is very different. Women are under no pressure to marry and they have the rights to work and earn their own income. The women in the Arch Deceiver seems to be very gullible from what men say to them, an example of this is when Milly in the end believes that Tony has chosen to marry her rather than the other girls. Of course, it is only Milly who is willing to be his wife after the other two girls left him.

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        The female characters in ‘The Withered Arm’ however are very different to those in the Tony Kytes’ story. The first three chapters mainly focused on Rhoda’s ‘isolation’ in the story. When other characters chat to each other, Rhoda tends not to join the conversation of others, which tells you how different and lonely she is from the rest. She also doesn’t respond to other people’s comments, Rhoda knew that she has been slyly branded a ‘witch’, which aids to her isolation. From this, she also seems to be physically lonely as well. Rhoda also developed an intense jealousy of Gertrude, ...

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