Concentrating on the presentation of character, setting and sound; examine what seems to you to be the most significant features of the Baz Luhrmann films you have studied.

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Steven Foy      10ST

Concentrating on the presentation of character, setting and sound; examine what seems to you to be the most significant features of the Baz Luhrmann films you have studied. You should:

  • Consider the nature of Baz Luhrmann as a director, his aims and intentions.
  • Through an analysis of the opening scene of his text, Romeo and Juliet, consider how successful he is in achieving his goals
  • Move on to contrast this with Franco Zeffirelli’s text.
  • Review Lurhmann’s techniques by examining his ideas in the film ‘Strictly Ballroom’ in the light of what you know him as a director.
  • In your opinion, say how successful these directors have been by commenting on the texts you have studied

Baz Luhrmann has been a director of many successful films so far but the ones we have studied, and the ones I will be using in this assignment are ‘Strictly Ballroom’ and fundamentally, ‘Romeo and Juliet’.

        Before Baz Luhrmann began making the film, Romeo and Juliet, there were many things he had to think about and consider. His main aim was to not copy the original Shakespeare text, but change it enough just to make it a bit more modern. He wanted to update it to a 20th century style of film so it would appeal to more people today, especially a younger audience. A basic way of putting this would be to say he wanted to not change Shakespeare, but just allowing access to it; as to say he wanted to change certain things but keep the main story the same; where as Zeffirelli did not do this, he kept the same vision as Shakespeare initially would have but he was more original with camera work.

        For Luhrmann to change the film from the play in this way he had to keep certain things the same or, at least, similar. An example is the weaponry used. In his version, guns are used but they have brand names such as rapier, dagger and sword so there is still a connection to the original Shakespeare. This shows what he aimed to do and what he had to consider. When making this film Luhrmann posed the question “How would Shakespeare make this movie if he was alive today?” This explains what I have been talking about.

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        Other things Luhrmann kept the same in the movie, which can be noticed from the first scene, are the language the characters used. This is actually the English of the time and the reason he left this was because if he decided to change it, the film would lose the idea that it is supposed to be a re-make of a Shakespeare play.        

        Although the setting of the film was set in Verona the opening scene of the film was actually filmed in Mexico. The filming crew decided that they wanted to find a generic cityscape that was not well ...

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