Consider the Dramatic Importance of Act 3 Scene V of Romeo and Juliet

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Consider the Dramatic Importance of Act 3 Scene V of “Romeo and Juliet”

In this scene Romeo meets Juliet in her bedroom and they consume their relationship. After that the nurse knocks on the door so Romeo has to hide.

The Nurse comes and warns Juliet that her mother is coming. Then Lady Capulet comes in and thinks that Juliet is sad and downhearted because of Tybalt’s death. Juliet also pretends that she wants to kill Romeo because she can’t admit to her mother that she has married him. Then the Capulet comes into the room as well and starts telling Juliet how vitally important is for her to get married to Paris. The whole scene occurs just after Romeo and Juliet married. Only the Nurse knows about the secret marriage from all of the Capulet’s. This is important to the play because the Nurse has taken the role of Juliet’s mother and Juliet confides everything with her instead of Lady Capulet.

This scene relies for its dramatic impact partly on the fact that some people know certain things that must be hidden form other people. For example the only people that know about the wedding of Romeo and Juliet are Friar Lawrence and the Nurse. Another example is that only Capulet, Lady Capulet and the Nurse know about the arranged marriage between Paris and Juliet. The dramatic effect of the audience knowing all that has happened is called dramatic irony. This means that the audience knows things that are unknown for some of the characters in the play and then the audience sees how these events happen even though they know before. Shakespeare has used a lot of dramatic irony throughout the whole play because that involves the audience much more into the action and it was also fashionable at that time to write in this style. In this particular scene Shakespeare has used dramatic irony when the Nurse tells Juliet that her mother is coming, but the audience already knows what the message is that her mother is bringing. By using this technique the writer makes the audience feel sympathy towards Juliet.

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Another key point in this scene is the way Juliet uses speaks and the words that she uses. The words and phrases that she uses are ambiguous. “Madam, I am not well”. Her mother’s response is immediate and she is obviously thinking that Juliet is sad because of Tybalt’s death, but actually Juliet is downhearted because of Romeo. This shows us another side to Juliet’s character. Before she had seemed young and eager to please her parents. A good example is when she agrees and accepts Paris for here husband before the ball where she meets Romeo. She has ...

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