creative writing

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                    Creative writing!!

“Beep…Beep…Beep…” I woke up with a jump as my alarm clock was sounding off like a fog horn! I unraveled the covers off me and rubbed my sleepy eyes open to my messy comfortable room. Each morning when I wake up I turn on the radio and open the curtains to wake me up listening to the latest news and hits while the early sun shines into my room brightening the whole room up.

Today was different though, when I open my curtains there was no sun or anything in fact. It was completely white! First I thought I was to tired and needed more sleep, but when I looked closer and rubbed my eyes more I soon realized it had been snowing all night while continuing to dump more snow down. You could see the old church with all the grave stones full of white stuff while it continues to batter the old building. In front of the church there is my local bus that I catch to go to school I get every morning. There were no foot prints or tire tracks so the bus has not down its first trip at 6 am for the city workers.

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I was utterly delighted; we haven’t had a day off school in years. Excited I was, I ran to my sisters room blaring out the words over and over again “LOOK OUT SIDE….. LOOK OUT SIDE!” She thought something must have been wrong like a fire or a huge car crash or something. “What, What” she declared. “Snow!! Snow!! Just look out side”. I rambled on. She looked half dead as I shouted at her, creeping up to the window sill. “oh my god! This can not be true… am I dreaming” she said with shock clearly in her ...

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