Creative Writing - Never, when the cards are down, go to the park south of Critchdale.

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Richard Butt

Creative Writing Coursework

      Never, when the cards are down, go to the park south of Critchdale. The lights, for one, are always low casting shadow upon shadow onto the ground, which feels as though with every step you are getting closer and closer, to the end. The freshly cut grass pushes the aroma of fertiliser and everything beneath your feet up your nostrils. The air in the park south of Critchdale is dry like nothing you have ever experienced before. Your throat goes dry like a barren desert, with just one gulp of air. It will be just one gulp of air. The path is surrounded with large, dated oak tress. They make you feel as though you have hundreds of thousands of eyes on you. Following. Following. Waiting. Waiting. For you to fall. There is a deathly silence all around. The sound from all around seems to be trapped outside the park south of Critchdale. Trapped, by an invisible sound barrier like two bouncers outside a club down a dark, dark alley.

      Derek did not care about all these things. He had to do it. He knew that it was all in his head, but what was worrying him, had nothing to do with how he was feeling about the park south of Critchdale. He knew he had to do it. When he was first told, it seemed like an impossible feat, one that would only be undertaken by men of such mental instability that they did not know even what planet they were on. He remembered he was once one of these. He knew he had to do it. As the crunching of the gravel beneath his feet slowly got louder and louder, Derek swung around. Nothing. He was sure that level of sound that was being made could not have just been made by him. He moved a couple of paces. Stop. He could still hear footsteps about 3 or 4 paces after he stopped walking. He swung around again, his breathing rising considerably. His heart started to pound, so much so that he could feel the blood moving through every vessel in his brain. He moved two more steps. Stop. There it was again the same sound emerged from within the trees, the crunching of gravel. Derek glanced down at the floor. His laces were undone, so he bent down to tie them up again. As he was tying them he noticed something that made him blood curdle in his veins. But, he knew he had to do it. Plucking up the courage to move on closer, Derek stood up straight, telling himself that there’s nothing to be afraid of and the continuous thought that something was going to happen was just paranoia. Just to be on the safe side, he took his torch from his pocket and switched it on,

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      His scream rang throughout the park south of Critchdale, but of course, no-one heard. Out of the dark came that familiar laugh,

“Ha ha ha ha, Derek you’re such a pansy! I can’t believe we actually got you!” That was the voice of McKinley. McKinley was an interesting figure. One moment he could say the most random and irrelevant things, but at times he came up with ideas beyond normal people’s wildest dreams. This of course was one of them. His large figure intimidated even the bravest of people. His cold, blue eyes were unforgiving like ...

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