Creative Writing Task- WW1 Trench Letter

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Letter from a WW1 soldier                English

Dear Martin,

Matt died today. It wasn’t my fault, whatever anyone says – it happened about two in the morning when we were sitting together against the trench wall, our backs damp against the dark mud, listening to the slapping dollops of cold, wet raindrops splattering our trench and the strangled chattering of machine guns above us. I remember the silence when they stopped – a silence so loud I felt like I was drowning as it engulfed us all; as blood pounded through my ears, swish, swish... It was terrifying.

I remember panicking blindly through the heavy sleet, pushing against the darkness, breathing in the ghastly stench of trench foot and mangled rotting carcasses, buried in the side of our trench amongst the mud and debris. I remember hearing my loudly pounding heart as it thudded through the silence and the rasping breaths of others beside me, remember being all too aware of my lungs and heart and blood, beating and pumping and working to keep me alive; of knowing that when I no longer hear the frantic thumping of the animal inside, that was when I would know Death had snatched me.

We always keep our gas masks in a bag slung over one shoulder. Matt had taken his off when we sat down. There was nothing I could do, Martin - I couldn’t help him. Through the distorted glass holes I saw him twitching and writhing and chocking, his eyes rolling and bulging and popping as he lunged horribly towards me through the blackness.

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You’re lucky, Martin. Whenever I close my eyes now, all I see are two, rolling mad eyes and a gaping, foaming mouth limping laboriously towards me. You wouldn’t want to be here. You wouldn’t want to experience what I’ve seen. This war is pointless, Martin – it’s a bloodbath of pointless massacre and I would, without hesitation give both my legs to be in your shoes right now. You never heard his gargling, gasping screams as he grappled around on the ground, or saw his limbs twisting and flaying in the mud. In the last few moments of his life ...

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